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Friday, May 3, 2013


Once upon a time, there were two local toughs, and they were very famous among the natives. The first one was known by the name Mata Empat (=Four Eyes), and the other known as Pahit Lidah (=Bitter Tongue) .
Pahit lidah earned his name because by words spread that he had poisonous tongue and was able to turn things into stone as he commands. And as mata empat just like the name given, he had pair of extra eyes at the back of his head.
Those two guys then heard about each other’s reputation and fame. Sensing rivalrythey arranged themselves to meet and to prove their skills. It wasn’t one on one duel, but they have approved a way for their match.
The rule was they will take turn lying under a palm sugar tree ( face down ) while their opponent on the top of tree will drop the heavy sharp pointed fruits. The person who can dodge the fruits in time will be regarded as the winner.
The first was mata empat’s turn. He lied face down under the tree while pahit lidah cut the fruits above him. Having a pair of eyes at the back of his head, mata empat was able to see clearly when the fruits was dropped and managed to dodge in ti
The next turn was pahit lidah’s. While he lying on the ground, pahit lidah planned to turn the fruit’s stem into stone, so it cannot be cut by mata empat. But it was a miscalculation. The Bitter Tongue was too slow in turning the stem into stone, he only turned the fruits into stone, and they became even heavier than they were before.
The huge stone fell on Pahit lidah’s head and killed him instanly. Mata Empat climbed down from the tree and approached the body of his opponent.  Mata empat being very curious, he wanted to know  Pahit Lidah really had a poisonous tongue. So reaching down he touched the tongue of Mata Empat with his fingers, then put his fingers into his mouth to taste it.
The word it was a poisonous tongue were proven to be true and four eyes instantly died because of the poison.
Story by                : Roy Aswin Hendra Aulia

The natives then  burried them on the side of Ranau Lake

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