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Sunday, June 16, 2013


In addition to all the requirements that must be endured by the warok, hereinafter referred to as Gemblakan.Dahulu warok appeared known to have many gemblak, namely men aged 12-15 years teenage handsome and well groomed is maintained as kelangenan, which sometimes is more cherished than his wife and children . Maintaining gemblak is a tradition that has been deeply rooted in the community of artists reog. For a warok it is normal and socially acceptable. It is said that fellow warok never collide gemblak supernatural powers to fight a craving and it sometimes happens besides lending gemblak.
Costs incurred for a gemblak warok not cheap. If gemblak warok who maintain the school should pay for school purposes in addition to feed and shelter. Whereas if gemblak not in school then every year to give it a cow. in warok tradition brought by Ki Ageng Suryongalam, magic can be obtained when a warok not willing to have sex with women. It is said to be a necessity stemming from the teacher's orders to obtain supernatural powers.The obligation to maintain any warok gemblak believed to be able to maintain his power. In addition there is a strong belief among warok, intimate relationship with a woman even with his own wife, can fade the whole magic warok. Mutual love, cherish and try to please is the hallmark of a
special relationship between gemblak and waroknya. Practice gemblakan among warok, identified as homosexual practices because warok sensual indulgence should not be to women.
When it's already been a shift in conjunction with gemblakan. In the present gemblak difficult to find. Tradition maintains gemblak, there are more faded. Gemblak the first regular role as a dancer jatilan (kuda lumping), its role is now replaced by young girls. Whereas formerly the arts to be displayed without a single woman.

Reog in the present

Artists Reog Ponorogo graduate art schools also provide touch on the development of dance reog ponorogo. Art school students to introduce the art of the stage and aesthetic movements koreografis, then be reog ponorogo with festivals like the format now. There is a story line, the sequence of whom appear first, namely Warok, then jatilan, Bujangganong, Klana Sewandana, then Barongan or sudden Peacock at the end. When one of these elements in action, other elements come to move or dance, though not prominent.
Several years ago, the Foundation initiated the founding of the Society of Reog Ponorogo Reog archipelago, whose members consist of reog groups from various regions in Indonesia who had taken part in the National Reog Festival. Reog ponorogo be very open to enrichment and changes in range of motion.

Notes :
            reog ponorogo is Indonesian culture that should be preserved.

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